Laser hair removal is a popular way to ditch the razor and achieve long-lasting smoothness. It works by targeting hair follicles with concentrated light, damaging them and preventing future growth. One of the most exciting signs of successful treatment is shedding, where treated hairs fall out, leaving you feeling oh-so-smooth. But sometimes, we just want to see those hairs disappear faster! 

This guide will help know how to speed up shedding after laser hair removal, revealing the hairless haven you deserve.

Tips to Speed up Shedding After Laser Hair Removal

How to Speed Up Shedding After Laser Hair Removal (1)

1. Exfoliation: Your Gentle Guide to Faster Shedding

Think of exfoliation as clearing the path for those treated hairs to make their grand exit. By removing dead skin cells, you’re allowing the weakened follicles to release the hairs more easily. But be gentle! Harsh scrubs are a big no-no. Instead, choose these skin-friendly methods:

  • Dry brushing: Use a soft brush in gentle circular motions to buff away dead skin.
  • Chemical exfoliants: Look for AHAs (like glycolic acid) or BHAs (like salicylic acid) in gentle formulations suitable for your skin type.
  • Loofahs: Choose a soft, natural loofah and avoid aggressive scrubbing. Remember, we’re aiming for gentle removal, not irritation.

Start with one to three exfoliations per week, depending on your skin’s sensitivity, and listen to its needs. If it feels red or irritated, take a break and let it recover.

2. Moisturize

Dry skin can act like a stubborn gatekeeper, holding onto those treated hairs for dear life. Combat this by keeping your skin well-hydrated with a fragrance-free, high-quality moisturizer. Apply it daily, choosing a lightweight formula for summer and a richer cream for winter. Think of it as giving your skin a dewy canvas for those hairs to gracefully slide off.

3. Stay Hydrated 

Remember the image of a wilted flower struggling to bloom? That’s what your skin can resemble when dehydrated. Proper hydration plumps your skin cells, creating an environment conducive to smooth shedding. Aim for eight glasses of water daily, and consider incorporating hydrating fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, and celery into your diet.

4. Sun Protection 

Sun exposure can be a double whammy for post-laser skin. Not only can it slow down shedding, but it can also lead to hyperpigmentation, causing unwanted dark spots. Prioritize sun protection every single day, even on cloudy days. 

Go for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and reapply every two hours. Do this especially after swimming or sweating. 

5. Dietary Dynamo

Beyond staying hydrated, consider incorporating certain foods into your diet that can further amplify your shedding journey. Foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits and bell peppers, support collagen production, which promotes skin health and hair follicle rejuvenation. 

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and tuna, have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe post-laser irritation and potentially encourage faster shedding. And don’t forget the green leafy vegetables! They are packed with antioxidants that protect your skin from free radical damage, further enhancing its overall health and shedding process.

6. Get Adequate Sleep 

While you dream, your body works hard! During sleep, your skin repairs and regenerates, making it crucial for optimal shedding. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a relaxing bedtime routine to unwind and ensure restful sleep, allowing your skin to do its magic while you catch some zzz’s.

7. Avoid Tight Clothing

Tight clothing can rub against your skin, causing irritation and potentially slowing down shedding. Wear loose-fitting, breathable garments made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen. Also, try soft pajama sets during recovery periods and prioritize comfort over fashion in the weeks following your laser treatments to speed up shedding.

8. Hot Showers 

Hot showers might feel heavenly, but resist the temptation! Hot water can irritate your skin and slow down the shedding process. Stick to lukewarm showers and limit your shower time to avoid drying out your skin. Pro tip: finish with a cool rinse to close your pores and enhance smoothness.

9. Choose Skincare Products Wisely

When choosing skincare products, be a label detective! Scrutinize ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals, fragrances, and alcohol, which can further irritate your skin and hinder shedding. Go for gentle, fragrance-free formulas specifically designed for sensitive skin. 

10. Avoid Consuming Sugar and Manage Stress

While indulging in sweets might be tempting, remember that sugar can contribute to inflammation and potentially slow down shedding. Instead, eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to nourish your body with essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy skin function. Don’t worry, you can still have the occasional treat, but keep your overall sugar intake moderate.

Stress can wreak havoc on your skin, including stalling the shedding process. Manage stress through activities you enjoy, like yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature. Adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a healthy diet also contribute to managing stress levels and optimizing skin health.

Final Word

These gentle and effective tips will help you speed up the shedding after laser hair removal. By implementing them, you can help your treated hairs make their exit faster, revealing the smooth, hairless skin you’ve been dreaming of. 

To get a painful laser hair removal treatment, check out Old Hammam. They use the latest Soprano ICE Platinum method, featuring trio clustered diode technology to make you hair-free.